Saturday, February 26, 2011


I like trying different food and different food combinations. I completely get the whole sweet/savoury thing, I don't mind watermelon and fetta, prunes in a lamb tagine (have one on the stove right now, yum), think a peanut butter and honey sandwich on fresh white bread is one of the greatest pleasures known to human kind and will even alternate a bite of chocolate with a potato chip for the ultimate in sweet and salty contrast (well I used to, but not anymore...).

However, when at a cafe with 2/3 children this morning (number three at a birthday party in the immediate vicinity) even I was gobsmacked to see what they put in front of Rosemary.

French toast with maple syrup and bacon - perfectly normal for us now we have been indoctrinated by the husband of Canadian origin. But look at what is in the bowl.

Yes my friends, that is icecream.

She tried it. It was weird. Enough said.

(In the interests of fairness, Claire had apple fritters with cream and icecream, which really is perfectly normal.)

1 comment:

  1. So why is yoghurt so different to icecream in this context? Or is it just too much sweet?
    Looks great though. Which cafe? And what did you have?
