Friday, August 12, 2011

It's the little things...

I've had a very busy couple of weeks.  Very busy.  Shall I say that again?  Some of it was stressful, some of it was frustrating and all of it was tiring.  And there is more to come, but that's the way it goes in this world.  So it is the little things that can make a big difference, and sometimes you don't realise how much of a difference they made until afterwards.

I have posted before about my Saturday morning habit of a coffee and a macaron at the Farmers Markets.  It's a pleasure that I start looking forward to from sometime on Thursday afternoon. So when I heard that Dream Cuisine (the makers of said macaron) were going to make a truffle macaron, I was intrigued.  Bronwen has been buying truffles this year, and it has been great season, so we have tried them in a few things, including icecream, creme brulee, roast lamb, cheese, butter, pasta... But in a macaron?

I thought it was delicious.  Made from truffle infused hazelnuts with a white chocolate truffle ganache, with a little gold leaf on the top.  Little mouthfuls of luxury through and through.  Then the weekend turned to chaos again and I went on with feeling stressed and tired and frustrated.

However, on Monday morning I was talking with a colleague about some work stuff and feeling and sounding stressed, tired... etc, until he said "So, how was the truffle macaron?" (Yes, I talk about macarons with my colleagues.  And there's more where that came from, but that's a post for another day..) 'Fabulous' I said, and launched into a description, talked about taste, texture... I'm sure you can imagine.

"Wow" he said.  "It must have been good, you sound about 400% more cheerful now than you did a minute ago."  And I was.  And that energy and cheefulness burst lasted me through the rest of the day.  I hadn't realised just how much of a bright spot the truffle macaron was, until I shared it with someone else.

And the best news is, I can have another one this Saturday, if I want.

Like I said, it's the little things...

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