Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I guess I can go now

There's been excitement brewing in the Irvine household for a few months now.  And as the months have ticked by, the excitement has grown bit by bit and now it's growing in leaps and bounds because on Friday I am going to Paris for two weeks.  I'm having a holiday on my own, meeting a friend who is on sabbatical in Europe and being completely self indulgent for what feels like the first time ever.  I've never been to Paris before and I've always wanted to go there.

Once I decided to do this, I knew there were two things that had to be completed before I went.  One was the national conference I have been working on for the past two years.  As of last Friday, it is done and dusted.  One conference, delivered to great acclaim and apparently enjoyed by the vast majority of delegates.

Tick box one.

The other was a more personal project.  Once I branched out into knitting lacy shawls, there was a pattern I'd had my eye on for a while.  I thought it looked fun and interesting and for a while might be the closest I would get to Paris.  But then I booked the ticket and I knew I had to knit the Eiffel Tower shawl.  So I toiled for three months, looked at the mistakes, decided to ignore them and keep going.

And I have this.

Tick box two.

I guess I can go now.  Stay tuned for posts from abroad!


  1. Is that what you were wearing today and I neglected to comment? If so - so sorry. It looks fab!

  2. oh Gretchen!! How freaking wonderful! What a big year of travel it's been in your family - and now your'e going! The shawl is perfect and wonderful! Hooray!

  3. My goodness woman, you are the definition of overachiever :) Beautiful work!
