Monday, February 21, 2011

An afternoon at Quentin and Michael's place

Saturday afternoon marked one of my favourite days in the Canberra cultural calendar - the Canberra Proms Concert in the grounds of Government House. (For those who don't know, Her Excellency Quentin Bryce is the Governor General of Australia, our head of state - second in charge to the Queen. Michael Bryce is her husband. They live at Government House in Canberra.) This is usually a lovely early evening in the beautiful gardens at Government House, listening to wonderful music and eating a great picnic (hence the frittata and cheesecake).

On Saturday, it was windy. It was overcast. Then it was wet. Quite wet. However, the Proms go ahead, and because we are tough, we went anyway. In the 10 - 12 minutes it takes to drive there from our house (gotta love Canberra). it rained solidly for at least 8. But by the time we parked and walked down the long driveway, it had stopped. Probably only half the usual audience turned up. The theme of the evening was Hungarian Rhapsody and the music was beautiful. Edward was very taken with the Hungarian soprano.

There was one more little sprinkle of rain, and hundreds of umbrellas collectively went skywards, then it fined up and by the second half, was a beautiful evening.

As the Hungarian Ambassador said 'the music of Hungary is so beautiful it can make the sky weep and it can make the sky smile'. Couldn't have put it better myself.

(Plus there was knitting - what's not to like?)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a good spot to watch from - we arrived later, avoiding the rain but not getting a view. But we could still hear, which was the main thing. It was such a lovely evening.
