Sunday, February 28, 2010


I spent most of Saturday at work, and most of Sunday blobbing around the house reading a book and finishing off a diagram. I did go for a run this morning, however, and found a very clean crisp grocery store about two blocks up the street. Perhaps not surprisingly, they have a big line in cleaning products. Not quite as expensive as the Lita store, and closer!

The proprietor was Chinese, but spoke English like a native and with more than a hint of an Australian accent.

Kellie, my landlord's niece, says "I can see you like dogs! Many people very afraid."

On Saturday morning while I was watching a bunch of youth doing some sort of sport training on the beach, an old man approached me and asked me where I was from, etc. He then confided that this was his group, and what I was watching was a historic moment - the first cohort ever of PE teachers in Timor-Leste getting their first lesson. Cool!

I got some snaps of it on film - but stupidly neglected to get some snaps of the old man. I am, however, getting a little better at asking the Timorese if I can take their photo.

One day I will work how to get the pictures in order. Anyway, this is Adam's girlfriend. She works for the German aide organisation GTZ. She speaks German, French, English, and Tetun.

This is a picture of Dili traffic. Note the motorcycles that have just overtaken me on the left. Note the absence of rear-view mirrors on the motorbikes.

This is a picture of the original office for the TLPDP project. This office corresponds to the address I gave you. I just liked the colours. Light pinks and yellows really fit in here.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics - glad to hear that the inaugural PE teachers went well.
