Sunday, February 28, 2010


I spent most of Saturday at work, and most of Sunday blobbing around the house reading a book and finishing off a diagram. I did go for a run this morning, however, and found a very clean crisp grocery store about two blocks up the street. Perhaps not surprisingly, they have a big line in cleaning products. Not quite as expensive as the Lita store, and closer!

The proprietor was Chinese, but spoke English like a native and with more than a hint of an Australian accent.

Kellie, my landlord's niece, says "I can see you like dogs! Many people very afraid."

On Saturday morning while I was watching a bunch of youth doing some sort of sport training on the beach, an old man approached me and asked me where I was from, etc. He then confided that this was his group, and what I was watching was a historic moment - the first cohort ever of PE teachers in Timor-Leste getting their first lesson. Cool!

I got some snaps of it on film - but stupidly neglected to get some snaps of the old man. I am, however, getting a little better at asking the Timorese if I can take their photo.

One day I will work how to get the pictures in order. Anyway, this is Adam's girlfriend. She works for the German aide organisation GTZ. She speaks German, French, English, and Tetun.

This is a picture of Dili traffic. Note the motorcycles that have just overtaken me on the left. Note the absence of rear-view mirrors on the motorbikes.

This is a picture of the original office for the TLPDP project. This office corresponds to the address I gave you. I just liked the colours. Light pinks and yellows really fit in here.

Friday, February 26, 2010

New arrivals

We welcomed three new members of the family yesterday, in their golden magnificence. Hopefully they will thrive and flourish.

A busy little weekend here, Stephie has two birthday parties today, and then Claire has Candyman rehearsal tomorrow, and I have been asked to help teach the children the song they are singing.

Here is Stephie dressed for her first party.

We had a lovely dinner last night around at Jan's. It was very nice to have some adult conversation, and all the children played well together, with Rosemary enjoying some Clara time that she doesn't usually have.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So Claire has been reporting slightly fuzzy eyes lately and after a visit to the optometrist last week, this is the result.

Here photographed at a visit to Grandpafather, who was having a bed day.

The swimming carnival went very well, Rosemary and Claire both competed and did their best, which made us proud.

Here is the Stephie...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Carnival time

Today is the school swimming carnival. There was a great flurry last night of tracking down swimmers and rashies, checking red t shirts and making sure everyone had their goggles - three new pairs, thanks very much. The carnival is at the notoriously unshady Phillip pool, and it is going to be quite a warm day today. Hopefully they will remember to wear their hats and keep applying sunscreen.

Everything has greened up after the rain we had two weeks ago, lawns are going beserk, as are weeds. The grass has once more invaded the flower beds, which I suppose is fair enough if you ignore them the way I do. Thinks to self, do I really want a dedicated vege bed?

Claire and Rosemary are doing well at choir, Rosemary seems to be enjoying herself. We just need to push along the piano practice a bit more and all will be well.

Anyway, time to get lunches and breakfasts made.

Have a good day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A sunny weekend

A sunny weekend is drawing to a close. Claire is off taking the dog for a walk. We are getting the house tidied up before dinner and the last episode of Dr Who with David Tennant as the doctor. Expect some tears at the end.

We've had a lovely weekend, with Grandpa coming down for the weekend from Sydney. Saturday we went to Questacon, where Claire got up close and personal with an animatronic dinasour

while Steph and Rosemary got funky in the colour and movement section.

Grapndpa indulged the passion for lobster dumplings at Yum Cha and then we headed off to Yarralumla for the Proms concert at Government House with cousin Yvonne. She had a lovely time with the girls and there was a bit of frolicking on the grass.

Sunday started with Claire at a rehearsal for a production of Candyman. A group of girls from school with singing and performing experience have been asked to be in one of the numbers that needs a children's choir. She will be in two performances at the Canberra theatre on 19 and 20 March - a great opportunity.

We then took Grandpa back to the bus and stopped of at Civic pool for some swimming carnival practice. A quick visit to Grandpafather and then my singing practice and the weekend is just about done... just the beds to make. Then it's all systems go for another week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The joys of life

Hello all. Morning again, a lovely morning for a walk. Suzie and I did a good brisk trot around our normal route. Music practice is underway, see here

I had an hours worth of remedial massage yesterday, apparently my pecs are very tight. I am a bit sore this morning. My post massage treat was lunch with some of the Canberra Crew from Ravelry, where I finally handed over the felted oven gloves to Helen. She was very excited. I got a pair of lacy fingerless gloves in return, which Claire of course has her eye on.

The oven is now fixed - yay! so I can cook again.

Steph did well at her swimming lesson yesterday - there is a huge improvement even after only two lessons. Rosemary has been training for the 50 m backstroke in the swimming carnival, we will hit the pool after taking Grandpa to the bus on Sunday so Claire can do a few laps.

Here is a bit more piano practice for you, just in case you are missing it!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First blog post

An ordinary morning in the Irvine household. Dog not walked so she is cross. Trumpet practice done, piano practice done. Child three slept in clothes so already dressed. I am working tomorrow rather than today so I am going to have a massage and get my neck unkinked. Claire to optometrist this afternoon as she says she has one eye that is fuzzy.

Washing still to be hung out, spare room to be tidied in preparation for Grandpa coming tomorrow, swimming lessons and circus this afternoon.